PRIMORDIAL Frontman Issues Summer's End Update

September 22, 2008

Vocalist Alan "Nemtheanga" Averill of the of the Irish dark metal masters PRIMORDIAL has issued the following update:

"Summer's fading into autumn. Well, at least what we've been calling summer in 2008. For the second year in a row, summer in Ireland barely crept over 20 degrees and was a rainy overcast bleak experience. Sounds very black metal, perhaps even more doom metal, but the fact is it's been depressing. Mix it in with our spiral into recession and there seems to be a palpable gloom descending over the country as the nights get darker.

"I've addressed the issues as to why we couldn't play Dust to Doom and Caos Emergenta in previous Blogs so I don't think I need to go down that route again. Needless to say, Simon [O'Laoghaire; drums] is feeling well and we are hopefully going to be fighting fit for the remainder of the shows in 08. Thanks to many of you who write encouragement over the last few weeks.

"This year has also been had some of the absolute highs I've ever experienced in all my years in the band. The shows have been getting bigger and better but also some of the lows and at times a dark insight into the industry. The herd mentality of so many bands and paradoxically the lack of respect afforded many of them by the industry and the attitude of people who have crossed our paths in the 'overground.' People who never bothered with a band like PRIMORDIAL now court our attention, ask our opinion on things, approach us or attempt to make a quick buck of our back. Perhaps if we were younger and more impressionable 2008 could have turned out far differently. As it was we found our old working practises coming under scrutiny as the band undenaibly grew bigger. As MT from Metal Blade told me, 'All of a sudden now professional demands are being placed upon you.' Professional demands on an unprofessional band. At times the stress has been great, and I can speak for myself and say I've found myself sitting in the backstage circus surrounded by leeches and wondered is it all worth it. However once I set foot on the stage, I find my perspective and find my reason. The metal scene needs us.

"I realise we have become almost anti-heroes. The band people take to heart and champion as opposed to a bloated, self-congratualtory, hollow mainstream metal scene that stands for nothing, sings about nothing and bears little resemblance to the original violent and rebellious blueprint of at least for me what is called true metal. Pop music in all but name. I'm glad of that and thank you all for the resistance you have all shown us over the summer. I can see it in the front row and feel it in the energy at the shows. Being on the outside even when you are on the inside is a particularily Irish trait and I think we are glad to be standard bearers for something human and something honest. Anti-heroes it is. We are human and there have been weak moments but they hopefully can only make us stronger.

"On another note, the first four albums will all be re-released later on this year by Metal Blade and early next year. With revamped artwork and liner notes they will all come with a bonus disc of old rehearsal or live material. If you have these albums already, then we do not ask you to go out and buy them once again but we are patently aware of the fact that many of our newer fans will only have downloads of these albums and at least in the case of 'Imrama' were possibly only a couple of years old when it was released. Mix that with the nature of the market these days and making the package as complete as possible is the best deal we can give you.

"There is talk of playing in America in 2009 but I really can't confirm anything right now. If we could turn back time ten years, then no doubt we could accept everything that's been offered us but we cannot and can only live within our means. Hopefully we can announce something no matter how small over the coming months.
Personally, we have started to finally work on a new VOID OF SILENCE album. The Italian band I contributed vocals to for the last album 'Human Antithesis'. Try and find it if you have not heard it. When the new one will be out I don't know but so far it sounds haunting and beautiful. I've also started working on a new doom band here in Ireland called DREAD SOVEREIGN. News of that will come very soon as will finally some news about my project with the AXIS OF ADVANCE/REVENGE comrades.

"It's been a hectic summer and as you can imagine finding the headspace for something that intense can be hard but I am beginning to wrap me head around that one. We have also signed some merchandise licenses with both Plastic Head and Relapse Records so if you have been having some trouble getting PRIMORDIAL merch it should be a little easier in the coming months.

"I guess you all aware of the Heidenfest tour and if it's coming your way in November. If so, then we shall see you there..."

PRIMORDIAL's latest album, "To the Nameless Dead", was released in November 2007 on Metal Blade Records.

Fan-filmed video footage of PRIMORDIAL performing the song "As Rome Burns" at this year's Tuska festival on June 28, 2008 in Helsinki, Finland can be viewed below (clip uploaded by YouTube user "OneManHorde").

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